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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Measure PL about?

Measure PL seeks approval for a bond issue to pay for earthquake retrofitting and other upgrades of Pasadena’s Central Library.  PL was placed on the November 5th ballot by the Pasadena City Council.  It requires a two-thirds vote to pass.  To see all the plans in detail, visit:

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Why is this bond measure necessary?

Pasadena’s historic Central Library is in danger of collapsing in an earthquake – with tremendous damage and potential loss of life.  The building is closed until it can be made earthquake safe.  Measure PL will cover the cost of those repairs.

What else is covered, besides earthquake safety?

The library is almost a hundred years old. The roof leaks, it has asbestos, lead paint, mold and very high maintenance costs.  Plus, it was never designed to meet modern fire and electrical codes, nor for the current and future technology needs of a modern library.  Fixing these issues will be much faster and cheaper if done while earthquake repairs are under way. That’s what Measure PL would do.

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Would all this modernization damage the building’s historic character?

No. The project has been designed to preserve, and even enhance, the library’s beautiful and historic features.

How much is the bond issue and who pays for it?

The total cost is $195 million, to be repaid over time by an annual levy on all property – both residential and commercial.  Over 30 years, the average would be $19.61 per $100,000 assessed valuation.


Is assessed value the same as market value?

No. The rise in assessed value is capped; so, it is almost always lower than market value.

Has the City explored other ways of funding this project?

Yes.  Pasadena has received more than $9 million in grants to cover the costs of planning and design.  But there is no feasible alternative for the construction costs.


Do we need all the money at once?

No.  Bonds will be sold as needed.  So, the annual rate will vary from a low of $12.58 to a high of $28.90.  If interest rates keep falling, costs could be much lower than planned.

Are there alternatives to Measure PL?

Many alternatives were considered to reopen the library.  More than 50 public meetings were held to engage residents.  Town Halls, City Council, Commissions, and more.  PL reflects the community’s wishes for this once-in-a-century investment in our future.


What makes this a once-in-century investment?

Central library is one of the beautiful public buildings that form Pasadena’s historic core.  City Hall and the Civic Auditorium/Convention Center have already been retrofitted.  Protecting the library will cost less than either of those projects and deliver even more: a safe, historic and modernized library to serve the City for another hundred years.  

Could we start over and look for a less costly way forward?

Delay will make this project cost more, not less.  The library cannot be used for any purpose until it is safe.  Each passing year makes repairs more costly.  The longer it sits empty, the greater the chance it must be demolished and replaced at great expense.  


Pasadena has other libraries. Apart from its beauty, why do we need Central Library?  

Central library is larger than all the neighborhood branches combined – and much better staffed and equipped.  It is the hub for the entire system.  Without the hub, library services have already begun to spiral downward.  

The role of libraries has changed.  Would people even notice if Central stayed closed?

YES!  Modern libraries are about much more than books alone, and they are needed as much as ever.  More than 800,000 people use our libraries every year – nearly six visits for every Pasadena resident.  Most of those visits are to the Central Library.  It serves the poor, the rich and everyone in between.  That’s why 95% of Pasadenans in a recent survey called the Central Library an important community asset.  


Has the loss of Central made a difference in library usage?

YES!  The City has opened temporary facilities, but even so the closure has ripped the heart out of our library system. Visits have already fallen from 803,274 to 393,429! Check-outs have dropped by half.  Library computer use has plummeted by 86.6%!

Who would be hurt most by loss of the library?

Many of the most vulnerable members of our community depend on the library – seniors, job seekers, small businesses, the homeless, preschoolers, adults seeking literacy.  But school-aged children might have the most to lose.  


Why would school children suffer most?

Libraries provide services many kids do not have at home: safe, quiet places to study; easy access to computers; homework assistance; tutoring and more.  In a recent survey, 88% of Pasadenans said libraries play a critical role in educating our community’s youth.

Who is supporting Measure PL?

Almost everyone!  Dozens of local elected officials (from both parties!); many trusted local organizations; thousands of library users and supporters.  

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What can I do to help save our library?

Vote YES on November 5th! The 2/3 super-majority required makes each vote crucial. For information on voting and how to help, visit our Get Involved page here.

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