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Reopen Our Central Library



Your Vote. Your Library. Our Future.


November 5, 2024

Pasadena's Library Is At Risk

Earthquake Danger –
Act Now and Vote
YES to Protect Our Community

Together, we can make sure the Central Library serves Pasadena for another century. Vote YES on Measure PL – our future depends on it!

Central Library

Reopen the Heart of Our Community

The Central Library isn’t just a building—it’s the beating heart of Pasadena. Closed due to seismic vulnerabilities, this historic landmark is at risk of fading into obscurity unless we act now. Measure PL is the lifeline that will fund the essential earthquake retrofitting, repairs, and upgrades needed to reopen our library’s doors and restore its role as a vibrant hub for learning, culture, and community connection.

Pasadena Central Library

Protect Our Heritage and Our Future

This is about more than bricks and mortar. The Pasadena Central Library is a testament to our city’s history, designed by the renowned Myron Hunt in 1927. Measure PL ensures we don’t just preserve a building—we protect a symbol of our shared past while equipping it to serve future generations. A vote for Measure PL is a vote to safeguard our city’s cultural legacy and provide state-of-the-art resources that will prepare our community for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Central Library

Invest in Safety and Prevent Disaster

Earthquakes are an ever-present threat in Southern California. Without Measure PL, the Central Library remains vulnerable, closed, and deteriorating. This measure isn’t just about reopening; it’s about making smart, necessary investments to protect our community from disaster. By voting YES, you’re choosing to address future repair needs and prevent more costly and disruptive fixes down the line. Measure PL is a proactive solution that will ensure our safety.

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Victor Gordo
Pasadena Mayor

Libraries are the heart of our community, providing access to knowledge, fostering lifelong learning, and creating a space where everyone can come together to explore, connect, and succeed. They are essential to building a brighter future for all, and for our city as a whole.


Chris Holden
State Assemblymember

Growing up in Pasadena, I benefited from participating in the central library summer reading program. I'm proud to have led efforts to secure funding to preserve this historic building as a City Councilmember and Assemblymember. Measure PL will ensure we have the resources to invest in building safety to reopen this Pasadena treasure so residents and future generations can enjoy all our library offers. Join me in Voting YES on Measure PL."


Jess Rivas
Pasadena Councilmember

A Yes vote on Measure PL will re-open our Central Library with necessary seismic retrofitting and long needed upgrades to ensure it remains a vital part of our city for generations to come.


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